Monday, July 8, 2013

Destiny's Revenge Synopsis

July 8, 2013
Carnival Sunshine Murder Mysteries
Mystery  Synopsis
·         Title--  Destiny’s Revenge
·         Theme--          Murder on TransAtlantic Ocean Voyage aboard Carnival Sunshine
·         Plot--   According to passenger (Victim’s travelling companion), Body was discovered on his return to the cabin after using the gym facility.
·         When--Body discovered at 7:17 am Ship’s time Thursday

Destiny’s Revenge
A Murder Mystery by Randall Anson

The idyllic voyage had begun innocently enough, the same disgruntled passengers, bored crew members and aloof staff as on every cruise until events brought disparate people together  in fear that a murderer lurks among them.  All was quite routine for the Carnival Sunshine until Thursday Morning when the Ship’s confidential alarm system brought many of the officers and staff to Cabin 9183 to confirm the report.  A passenger, obviously expired, verified their greatest fears.  Yet another catastrophe for the line.  No matter the cause, this can’t be good for business.  Officers and staff alike needed no words.  The lady was dead, alright.  Who was she?  How did she die?  Why on our ship? How do we explain this to the other passengers, worse yet----the relentless media bent on destroying Carnival’s reputation. 
“Alert the Captain.”  Get a secure line and wake up Miami Crisis Management.  Let’s get this handled right away. Her commanding words surprised even herself.  Angela thought her own thoughts as various scenarios ran through her mind.  What are the possibilities ---Stroke?  Heart Attack?  So young, not likely.  No obvious marks.  Suicide?   But how and why?    “Get some security up here NOW!”  No one in or out except top end staff.  Angela looked at her watch.  9:32 Ships time.  A time she will never forget.
Where’s Doc?  On the way, I hope.  

Who found her?  We got a call around 9:00 at Security from the other passenger in this cabin.  We came right down.  Got here at 9:06.  Where’s the guy?  He is in Security now giving a statement.  “Keep him there till we figure out what’s going on.  Move him without his stuff to 5343 and watch him.  Do not leave him alone!! “  Long way from here isn’t it??  “Exactly.  Now get going.  I don’t want him up here.  Schmooze him however you need to.”

Doc’s here.   Hello Doctor.  Please have a look and tell me what you can.   Give me awhile, Doc says to Angela.  “Bob----Guards at the door on the INSIDE only.  No one disturbs the place.”  Got it Boss.
Doc.---  Page me in an hour or less please.  Ok, Angela, just need to take it slow and easy here. 
Angela’s coffee went down hard.  Bitter caffeine mixing with her twinging stomach made for a bad Thursday start.   Second cup---no better.   
Finally the page.    Ok Doc, what do we have? “    No marks, no signs of suicide either,  like pills, or a note.  But one thing is certain.  Somebody stopped her heart.  Not sure how yet, but that was her downfall.   Looks like some kind of foul play, I am afraid.   

Angela clicked off and headed to the restroom.  Her queasiness had just exploded, right after her career, apparently.  

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